About Us

KES RESEARCH CENTRE is a non-profit research organization, founded in 2019 and registered at the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (UNIC: 1217026583). It is also duly registered with the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver as a private non-profit limited liability company (HE395935) based in Nicosia (Cyprus). It operates either autonomously or in co-operation with other entities, such as companies, research institutes, external researchers and academics.


Its main objectives are:

  • The independent conduct of mainly applied research (industrial research or experimental development) and the wide dissemination of research results through teaching, publication or transfer of knowledge.
  • The continuous promotion of research and innovation within the Republic of Cyprus.
  • The participation of Cypriot researchers in international research activities and the cooperation of Cypriot researchers with researchers from other countries.
  • The preparation and submission of research proposals for funding by Cypriot, European, International or other agencies and institutions.
  • The dissemination of research results to the general public.


KES RESEARCH CENTRE is administrated by the Board of Directors (BoD) and supported by a Scientific Council and Scientific Committees that advise the BoD on matters of research policy/ strategy.

The BoD has appointed Dr. Dimitrios Sarris as Director of KES RESEARCH CENTRE.

Dr. Sarris is an Academic Scholar with +15 years research experience, participating in over 20 international and national research projects and has developed international collaborations with scientists from Switzerland, USA, France, Israel, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus and Greece. Publications of his research teams have a significant impact and are featured in leading scientific journals, with research findings having been presented in +30 primarily international conferences. He is also a reviewer for more than 10 international journals and has designed and supervised over 30 Thesis. Trained in Switzerland (Inst. of Botany, Univ. Basel) and Greece (Dept of Biology, Univ. of Patras) in Biology (BSc), in Ecology and Environmental Management (MSc) and in Dendro- Ecology/Climatology and Plant Science (PhD), he has been employed: (i) at the Dept of Biological Sciences of the Univ. of Cyprus (having held the positions of Assistant Professor-Academic Visitor and Special Scientist for Research & Lecturing), (ii) at the Open Univ. of Cyprus (as Academic Coordinator, Adjunct Faculty Tutor & Master’s Thesis Supervisor of the Environmental Conservation and Management Postgraduate Program), (iii) at the Dept of Life Sciences, European Univ. of Cyprus and (iv) at KES College in Cyprus (as Coordinator of the Environmental Management and of the Organic Products Technicians’ Programs). He has also worked at Academic Institutions in Greece and has Post Doc experience at the Inst. of Botany, Univ. Basel and at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, ETH-Zurich). He is an expert of the International Science Network MedECC, which supports, inter alia, the UN Environmental Program, and has served as Scientific Consultant for Scientific Documentaries (e.g. Άνυδρη Γη), for the University of Cyprus (Black Gold Strategic Program) on Sustainable Agroforestry and Organic Farming aiming to revitalize the carob industry of Cyprus («Μαύρος Χρυσός») and for the Association of Organic Farmers in Cyprus. He is also an Invited Member of the Editorial Board of Annals of Silvicultural Research.

Activities / Partnerships

KES RESEARCH CENTRE is involved, among other, in research on education, economy, exercise and nutrition, aesthetics, cosmetology, pharmacology, information, communication, environment, agriculture and related fields, aiming at improving the quality of life in Cyprus.

KES RESEARCH CENTRE, under a Memorandum of Understanding with KES College, allows students and academic staff of the College to participate in the research work carried out in the areas covered by the Research Centre, in conjunction with the College's Curricula, thus providing the opportunity to academics and students to gain research experience.

Indicatively, KES RESEARCH CENTRE has developed a research collaboration with:

  • The Beauty Therapy Programs of the School of Health Studies at KES College and the Costas Papaellinas Organization (representative of the MAC Cosmetics Company in Cyprus) as part of a research project entitled: Investigating the identity and satisfaction of MAC Cosmetics customers in Cyprus based on professional Αesthetics and the general public.
    Related scientific announcement:
    2018 Sarris D, Shiarly M, Theocharous S, Kalatha A, Panteli M, Sideri A, Spyrou E, Filippidou A. The specialized approach of Beauty Therapist in Cyprus to the products and policies of cosmetics companies. Scientific Conference of the Cyprus Association of Beauticians, Philoxenia Conference Centre, Nicosia, 21-22 October
  • The Beauty Therapy Programs of the School of Health Studies at KES College as part of a research project entitled: Investigating the recognition and growth prospects of “Medical” Cosmetics in Beauty Therapy Institute Owners / Managers of Cyprus.
  • The Organic Products Technician Program of the School of Environmental Studies at KES College, the Association of Organic Farmers in Cyprus, the Institute for Inspection and Certification in Organic Farming “LACON” and the Chemical Analysis Lab “Food Lab” as part of a research project entitled: Investigation of food safety provided by organic and conventional Bananas cultivated and sold in Cyprus.
  • The Culinary Arts Programs of the School of Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Tourism of KES College as part of a research project entitled: Wage differentiation between men and women in the food sector of Cyprus.
    Related scientific publication:
    Cyprus Economic Policy Review Vol. 14, No. 2, pp 31-39 (2020) 
  • The Culinary Arts Programs of the School of Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Tourism of KES College and the Black Gold Strategic Program of the University of Cyprus as part of the development of new alcoholic spirits and liqueurs from Cypriot carob fruits.
    Related presentation:
    ΕΡΓΟ «ΜΑΥΡΟΣ ΧΡΥΣΟΣ» ΑΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΜΟΣ 2016-2017 (carobmediteranet.gr)
  • The Beauty Therapy Programs and the School of Health Studies at KES College as part of a research project entitled: Evaluation of effectiveness of the organic VENUS ROSE EYE CREAM on behalf of THE ROSE FACTORY-Tsolakis LTD funded by the Program INNOVOUCHERS/1217/0258 «RESTART 2016-2020» of the Cyprus Republic Research and Innovation Foundation and following receiving approval for clinical trials from the National Bioethics Committee of Cyprus (F.N. ΕΕΒΚ/ΕΠ/2021/30). 
  • The Culinary Arts Programs of the School of Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Tourism and the School of Health Studies at KES College as part of a research project entitled: Innovative educational practices to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in collaboration with Dr. Charoula Angeli, Professor of Instructional Technology in the Department of Education at the University of Cyprus in Cyprus, and the Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at the University of Cyprus funded by the Program INNOVOUCHERS/1217/0256 «RESTART 2016-2020» of the Cyprus Republic Research and Innovation Foundation and following receiving approval from the National Bioethics Committee of Cyprus (F.N. ΕΕΒΚ/ΕΠ/2021/01/77).
  • The Medical Representatives Management Program of the School of Health Studies at KES College as part of a research project entitled: The role of Medical Representatives in the new era of the General Heath System of Cyprus in collaboration with the Medical Representatives Association of Cyprus
    Related scientific announcement:
  • The Beauty Therapy Programs of the School of Health Studies at KES College as part of a research project entitled: The impact of the Covid – 19 pandemic on the operation of the Beauty Therapy Centres in Cyprus
    Related scientific announcement:
    2022 Shiarly M, Siafaka P, Miliotou A, Sarris D. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the operation of Beauty Therapy Centres in Cyprus. Scientific Conference of the Cyprus Association of Beauticians, Hilton, Nicosia, 14 May https://www.kescollege.ac.cy/nea-top/item/erevna-programmaton-aisthitikis-tou-kes-college-oi-epiptoseis-tis-pandimias-covid-19-sti-leitourgia-ton-institoyton-aisthitikis-stin-kypro 
  • The Institute of Agricultural Research, the Laona Foundation for the Revival and Protection of the Cypriot Countryside, the Departments of Agriculture, Forestry and Environment, the Open University of Cyprus and the University of Thessaly, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, the Union of Cypriot Farmers (EKA), the Local Organization for Land Improvement of Tavropou (TOEV), the Municipal Organization for Social and Cultural Development of Sitia (DOKAS) and the company Paradisiotis in the framework of the EU co-funded project LIFE - AgrOassis
  • The EU co-funded project Driving Urban Transitions - Feed4FoodFeed4Food is a collaborative project aimed at transforming urban agriculture to be more sustainable, inclusive, and healthy. With a focus on vulnerable communities, our project is driven by innovation and governance, promoting regenerative practices and local food production.
    At Feed4Food, we are pioneering a shift towards sustainable urban agriculture, empowering vulnerable communities four European cities - Bucharest (Romania), Drama (Greece), and Strovolos (Cyprus) - through our innovative Urban Agriculture Living Labs. Our mission is to provide healthy and sustainable food to all city dwellers, focusing on low-income consumers and supporting various vulnerable groups, including refugees, Roma and Sinti populations, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
    The project started in January 2024 and will last 3 years, under the direction of our project leader: Dr. Lia van Wesenbeeck, Associate Professor of Development Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Director of Amsterdam Centre for World Food Studies. The Consortium Partners are: Amsterdam Centre for World Food Studies (ACWFS), University of Bucharest, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Ladies Union of Drama, Democritus University of Thrace (D.U.Th.), The Geomorphology Edaphology and Riparian areas Laboratory (GERi Lab), KES Research Centre (KESRC), VL Sustainability Metrics LTD (SuMe), Strovolos Municipality, AREA.
    Feed4Food is based on three pillars, the Living Labs, the Central Knowledge & Learning Hub and a Transition Strategy. The Living Labs encompass social vegetable gardens, urban farms, and community gardens. These spaces foster co-creation and open innovation environments, following the guidelines set by the European Network of Living Labs (ENOLL, 2023). Their primary goal is to integrate circularity, ecological sustainability, and zero-emission agricultural practices.
    The Central Knowledge & Learning Hub serves two key functions: it analyses data from the Living Labs as an integrated system and features a live dashboard providing real-time performance information.
    The Transition Strategy ensures sustainability of the Living Labs through co-learning, co-mentoring, and mutual support.
    Feed4Food – Promoting Sustainable, Inclusive, and Healthy City Food Systems


News LIFE – AgrOassis

KESRC participates with a budget of 355 thousand euros in the EU co-funded project LIFE-AgrOassis aiming to protect agriculture from climate change. The project seeks to regenerate soil and build resilience to Climate Change in agricultural areas of Cyprus and Greece that are prone to desertification.

News about the project can be found here 

News Feed4Food

KESRC participates  with a budget of 120 thousand euro in the EU co-funded project Driving Urban Transitions - Feed4FoodFeed4Food aimed at transforming urban agriculture to be more sustainable, inclusive, and healthy. With a focus on vulnerable communities, our project is driven by innovation and governance, promoting regenerative practices and local food production. 

News about the project can be found here 

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